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Submitted by: Suleman Thadha
Mr Gum 8 Book set Collection by Andy Stanton, he exists in London. He is well known for being a script peruser in movies, for kid’s shows and a best kids’ inventor. Andy Stanton books are particularly suitable to young people, in light of the way that these books contains an expansive measure of information with its amusingness, action, sensation with novel intriguing characters that makes sharp things made these books close children’s. The story itself a phenomenal one, which makes everything the all the moreover fascinating for peruser.
In this collecting, the characters are amazingly depicted with some mesmerizing, delightful arrangements makes the books altogether more intresting.these are flawless books for kids’ to look at and see, as it is composed in a vital, quick evidence of vocabulary with uncommon representations that could draws the likelihood of every peruser to take a gander at these stories.
Andy Stanton diagram is a story of Mr Gum an old man and the stories all turns around him in an exchange plot. It’s hypnotizing and crazy plan which spellbinds the perusers with packs of laughs.
Visit Snazal Wholesale books or website or even you can contact us to purchase this wonderful childrens story book Mr Gum 8 Books Collection Boxed Set by Andy Stanton.
Titles in this Set:-
1. You’re A Bad Man Mr Gum
He is a truly nasty old man. He’s absolutely grimsters. But this book is not just about him. There is also a little girl called Polly, an evil butcher, heroes and sweets and stuff, and Jake the dog, who must be saved from terrible, terrible evil.
2. Mr Gum & Biscuit Billionaire
This is weird, wacky and one in a million: a cross between Roald Dahl and Monty Python. He is back in this second hilarious book and he’s as nasty as ever! In fact, he’s absolutely grimsters. But this book’s not just about him. Read this book and you’ll meet a ginge
ead man named Alan Taylor who has electric muscles! Plus, all our favorite characters are back: the little girl called Polly, the evil butcher called Billy William the Third, and the very wise man, Friday O’Leary. And, who could forget loveable Jake the dog, or the angry fairy that lives in Mr. Gum’s bathtub and whacks him on the head with a frying-pan? This book will have you crying with laughter!
3. Mr Gum & The Goblins
Shabba me whiskers This is barking bonkers…Well, that old roo-de-lally Mr Gum and the hideous Billy William the Third are once more mucking things up for everyone. They’re a-schemin’ and a-hatchin’ an’ making their bad plans up on Goblin Mountain. Can the wise old man Friday O’Leary and the small girl Polly make it past the Three Impossible Challenges of Goblin Mountain and save the town from a fate worse than something very bad indeed? In an epic tale of courage, valour and plain idiocy only one thing is sure: The truth is a lemon meringue!
4. Mr Gum & The Power Crystals
From award-winning author Andy Stanton comes book four in the “You’re a Bad Man, Mr Gum!” series: “Mr Gum and the Power Crystals”.Shabba me whiskers! Can it really be true that there’s an ancient curse on the town of Lamonic Bibber? And you guessed it, that old roo-de-lally Mr Gum and his trusty sidekick Billy William the Third have something to do with it. But…our favorite heroes Polly and Friday and the ginge
ead biscuit Alan Taylor (only 15.24 cm tall) are determined to save the town (sigh of relief). Hang on to your heads and prepare to chuckle like a chipmunk as you are whisked to the land of talking dogs, silly songs, Old Granny, and the best chase scene you’ve ever seen. You may even learn to say ‘The truth is a lemon meringue’ in Spanish! This is barking bonkers…
5. Mr Gum & The Dancing Bea
He returns in the fifth shamelessly hilarious book…Good evening. Do you like bears called Padlock? Course you do. Do you like hot-air balloons? Course you do. Do you like tall sailing ships with mad sea captains, and horrifying old villains and words like ‘wab!’, ‘tungler’ and ‘kelp’? COURSE you do! Well, guess what, you lucky little nibble heads? This book’s got all of those things – and a lot more besides. It’s a rollicker! It’s a frolicker! It’s a funtime sun-time yollicker! So what you waiting for? Get reading!
6. What’s for Dinner, Mr Gum?
Well, Shabba Me whiskers! He is back! But what’s he up to this time? Oh, dreadful things my friends, dreadful things indeed. It seems he’s found himself a brand new treat – rancid kebabs just dripping with dirty grey sauce. And he just can’t get enough of them. He’s gotta have more! More! Less! I mean, More! But not everyone’s too happy about Mr Gum’s new dinnertime arrangements and soon the town of Lamonic Bibber is gearing up for war. Can Polly and her friends save the town from being torn apart? Will Mr Gum’s hunger ever be satisfied? And who on earth is Thora Gruntwinkle? All will be revealed when you read “What’s For Dinner, Mr Gum?” You’ll see a ginge
ead man driving through London! You’ll see an annoying little monkey driving everyone mad! You’ll see Friday O’Leary falling asleep in a hedge! Yes, it’s all there in glorious black and white, my friends. Except for the cover, which is in colour. It’s Bonus.
7. Mr Gum and the Cherry Tree
Follow Polly and Friday on another crazy adventure on the streets of Lamonic Bibber. And watch out for that dastardly villain, Mr Gum, not to mention his sidekick, Billy William. It’s barking bonkers. But don’t believe us, believe them.
8. Mr Gum and the Secret Hideout
Follow Polly and Friday on another crazy adventure on the streets of Lamonic Bibber. And watch out for that dastardly villain, he, not to mention his sidekick, Billy William. But what could that fiend be up to this time? Could there be 8 ladies all called Pamela? Will Friday O’Leary have to wrestle a man-eating Octopus? Who knows? Either way, it’ll be barking bonkers. But don’t believe us, believe them…
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