How Auto Dealerships Can Effectively Use Credit Score Mail Lists To Market Vehicles?

Submitted by: Charles4145 John

Auto dealerships use direct mail such as a credit score mailing list to advertise to their ideal audience. Typically, prescreen credit data is used to attract qualified new customers and is contained in a credit score mailing list. More than ever, auto dealerships need to qualify who they mail. There s nothing worse than attracting a potential customer to the showroom, get them interested in a new car, and then find they are not qualified for the financing. Prescreen credit data on a credit score mailing list takes care of this issue in that it identifies the only those potential prospects who will qualify for the new car financing. This ensures that your sales and finance department representatives focus on only quality prospects.

Although there are specific auto dealership mailing lists available to auto dealerships in today s market many specialty mailing lists will work as well. Direct mail marketing and auto dealership mailing lists remain the top marketing medium for dealerships, providing higher response rates than newspaper, radio, and even social networking marketing. Targeting the correct audience is the key to any successful auto dealership mailing list campaign.

A newly married database can work great for compiling an auto dealership mailing list. Newlyweds are known to make large purchases within in the first six months after marriage. Targeting this highly responsive audience with a newly combined purchase power almost guarantees sales for your dealership.


Business fleet files are also great options for an auto dealership mailing list. Any type of business that has a large fleet of 10 or more vehicles (think exterminators, taxi companies, landscapers) is an ideal candidate for new vehicle purchase. Becoming a preferred vendor for even one fleet company can mean a great deal of revenue for your business.

Bankruptcy databases an also be a great place to start building your auto dealership mailing list. Consumers that have been newly released from bankruptcy are eager to begin rebuilding their credit and generally begin with the purchase of a new vehicle.

Regardless of the type of auto dealership mailing list that you choose to use for your direct marketing campaign be sure to use an updated list and have a strong call to action that urges clients to visit your location for their next automobile purchase.

How to measure effectiveness of direct mail marketing?

Of all the advertising a business can do, direct mail marketing is one of the most measurable. And what s more, campaign response rates can be duplicated. Mailers measure their direct mail marketing campaigns in a number of ways, i.e., customers coming into a store location, new applications completed online, or an increase in sales. But when there are multiple campaigns going from direct mail marketing or other mediums, it s vitally important that you are measuring your campaigns to determine which ones are working and which ones are wasting money. Key coding the mail piece is a simple way to determine which customers are coming from which campaign. For those customers who don t bring their direct mail marketing mail piece into your store, the mailer must capture the name of the buyer or responder. Doing so makes it easy to measure which campaign is working from those that are not.

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