High Tech Public Relations Makes The Cutting Edge Sharper

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High Tech Public Relations Makes the Cutting Edge Sharper


Kevin Waddel

The tip of the spear First mover Leading edge Cutting edge How many times have we heard these modifiers for some technology or another?

High tech companies pride themselves on being on the cutting edge. They offer products and services that are groundbreaking and game changing (another expression we might be able to live without). With fierce competition in every high tech sector, all high tech companies have the need to employ a consistent high tech public relations strategy.

Whether your high tech public relations niche is aerospace, biotech, energy, information technology, instrumentation, nanotechnology, nuclear physics, optoelectronics, robotics, telecommunications or electrical engineering, your high tech public relations team should own that media space.


Proactive high tech public relations should create news, not just get it reported. High tech public relations should place news breaking stories covering the launch of a new service offering, improved technology or social media application.

High Tech Public Relations

efforts should also extend to corporate news, such as staffing announcements, product availability, new financing and profitability reports.

Generating consistent and positive exposure is essential for high tech public relations firms. There are many niches in the high tech sector. Make sure your high tech public relations team targets the right publications that will target the audience you seek.

Partner with a high tech public relations firm whose high tech public relations strategies include making it a priority to generate exposure for the bright minds on your staff. These high tech public relations tactics can include placing op-ed articles, interviews and guest contributions by experts with for news and trends, including the unique science and benefits of your hi tech service.

High tech public relations should also extend to seeking cross-promotions and event sponsorships. Whether a technology conference, charity golf tournament or corporate fundraiser, these events will garner media coverage and positive brand association. Because reputation and visibility are important factors when it comes to client acquisition, a cross-platform, multichannel approach for high tech public relations can also extend to contributions on blogs, podcasts and even lo tech channels like radio. Social media is also a requisite must, as more and more decision makers are digesting content in non-traditional areas. Nowhere is this more true than in the high tech industry. Making a large imprint via high tech public relations digitally will also fuel important search engine optimization.

A high tech public relations pro can make all the difference in the world when seeking to sharpen the edge of your cutting edge product or technology.

Kevin Waddel is a free lance writer. To get more information about Public relations, Public Relations New York,

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